Songs For The Family of God Hymnal (1999) |
01 | 01 All People That On Earth Do Dwell (Thomas Tallis) Psalm 100 | . | - |
02 | 02 Immortal, Invisible (WCS) | . | - |
03 |
The God Of Abraham Praise |
Daniel Ben Judah - Hebrew Melody |
Exo 3:6-14; John 8:58; 2 Cor 3:3; Heb 1:1-2; Rev 1:8-11 |
04 |
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken |
John Newton - Franz Joseph Haydn |
Exo 13:21; Pslm 87:3; Isa 26:1; Matt 16:18; Jhn 10:35; 14:23; Rev 22:1 |
05 |
Men And Children Everywhere |
John J. Moment - Hebrew Melody |
Gen 9:13; Psalm 86:9-12; Psalm 103:22; Isa 6:3 |
06 | 06 From All That Dwell Below the Skies (John Hatton) | . | - |
07 |
Praise Ye The Lord, The Almighty |
Joachim Neander - Lobe Den Herren |
Psalm 36:7; 61:3-4; 103:1-6; 150:1-6 |
08 |
Psalm 1 |
Mark Graham |
Psalm 1 |
09 | 09 Hear My Words, O Gracious Lord (Psalter) Psalm 5 | . | - |
10 |
How Excellent In All the Earth |
Mark Graham |
Psalm 8 |
11 | 11 Who, O Lord, With Thee Abiding (SJV) Psalm 15 | . | - |
12 | 12-3 The Spacious Firmament (melody by Haydn) Psalm 19 | . | - |
14 |
Most Perfect Law of God |
Henry T. Smart |
Psalm 19 |
15 |
Praise God All You Who Fear Him |
Berthold Tours |
Psalm 22 |
16 | 16 All Ye That Fear God’s Holy Name (FMAV) Psalm 22 | . | - |
17 |
The Lord's My Shepherd |
William H. Havergal |
Psalm 23 |
18 |
The Lord's My Shepherd |
Scottish Psalter - Crimond |
Psalm 23 |
19 | 19 The Earth with All That Dwell Therein (LD) Psalm 24 | . | - |
20 | 20 O Lord, By Thee Delivered (Greek melody) Psalm 30 | . | - |
21 | 21 How Blest Is He Whose Trespass (CU) Psalm 32 | . | - |
22 | 22 Through All the Changing Scenes of Life (TandB) Psalm 34 | . | - |
23 | 23 God, Be Merciful to Me (Richard Readhead) Psalm 51 | . | - |
24 | 24 Christ Shall Have Dominion (Arthur Sullivan tune of "Onward, Christian Soldiers) Psalm 72 | . | - |
25 |
God Is Our Refuge |
Este's Psalter |
Psalm 46:1-5 |
26 | 26 The Lord Will Come and Not Be Slow (Milton) Psalm 82, 85, 86 | . | - |
27 | 27 How Lovely Is Thy Dwellingplace (Hadyn) Psalm 84 | . | - |
28 | 28 By All Whom Thou Hast Made (Hickman) Psalm 86 | . | - |
29 |
Zion, Founded on the Mountains |
The Psalter 1912 - H. Roth |
Psalm 87 |
30 |
O God, Our Help in Ages Past |
Isaac Watts |
Psalm 90 |
31 | 31 Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling Place (Henri Henry) Psalm 90 | . | - |
32 | 32 Psalm 91 (Mark Graham) | . | - |
33 |
It Is Good To Sing Thy Praises |
William Samuel Bainbridge |
Pslam 92 |
34 |
O Come, Let Us Sing To The Lord |
Mark Graham |
Psalm 95 |
35 |
O Sing A New Song To The Lord |
Theodore E. Perkins |
Psalm 98 |
36 |
O My Soul, Bless God the Father |
United Presbyterian Book of Psalms - Psalmodia Sacra |
Psalm 103 |
37 |
O Worship the King |
Franz Joseph Haydn |
Psalm 18:2-12; Psalm 104:1; Isaiah 43:5; Daniel 7:9 |
38 | 38 Praise the Lord, for He Is Good (Haydn) Psalm 107 | . | - |
39 | 39 The Lord Unto His Christ Hath Said (Samuel A. Ward) Psalm 110 | . | - |
40 |
How Shall The Young Direct Their Way? |
Carl Christian Nikolai Baile |
Psalm 119 |
41 |
How I Love Thy Law, O Lord |
Mark Graham |
Psalm 119 |
42 |
Unto The Hills I Lift My Eyes |
Mark Graham |
Psalm 121 |
43 |
With Joy I Heard My Friends Exclaim |
William Boyce |
Psalm 122:1-9; Isaiah 2:3; Jeremiah 3:17; Micah 4:2 |
44 | 44-5 Bringing In The Sheaves (Minor) Psalm 126 | . | - |
46 | 46 Unless the Lord Shall Build the House (Mark Graham) Psalm 127 | . | - |
46 | 47 Let Us with a Gladsome Mind (Wiles) Psalm 136 | . | - |
48 |
Behold How Good It Is |
Mark Graham |
Psalm 133 |
50 | 50 By the Rivers of Babylon (Mark Graham) Psalm 137 | . | - |
51 | 51 Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me (KY Melody) Psalm 139 | . | - |
52 | 52 When Morning Lights the Eastern Skies Psalm 143 (WJ) | . | - |
53 |
O Sing Ye Hallelujah |
Arthur H. Mann |
Psalm 147 |
54 | 54 Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens, Adore HIm (Wilcox) Psalm 148 | . | - |
55 | 55 Praise Ye the Lord! (Finnish tune) Psalm 150 | . | - |
56 | 56 The People That in Darkness Sat (Mark Graham) Isaiah 9 | . | - |
57 |
Wake My Heart |
Mark Graham |
Psalm 57:7-9; Isaiaiah 11:9, 35:1-10; 1 Thessalonians 4:16 |
58 |
The Mountain of the Lord |
Mark Graham |
Micah 4:1-5 |
60 |
Great God Who Made the Universe |
Mark Graham |
Gen 1; Psm 104; Psm 147; Psm 148; Rev 21; |
62 | 62 By Law from Sinai's Clouded Steep (a hymn about the Sabbath) | . | - |
63 |
On The Sabbath Day |
Mark Graham |
Exo 20; Exo 31; Lev 23; Isa 29; Heb 4; Heb 6; Heb 13; |
64 | 64 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come | . | - |
65 | 65 We Gather Together | . | - |
66 |
In Days of Old |
Mark Graham |
Isa 7:14, 11:1; Jer 23:5-6; Matt 7:29; Luke 2:8-14; Heb 10:12; Rev 5:5-7, 19:15 |
67 |
Salt of the Earth |
Mark Graham |
Matt 5:13-16 |
68 |
Consider The Lilies |
Mark Graham |
Matthew 6:25-33 |
69 | 69 It Fell Upon a Summer Day (Welsh hymn about Christ blessing the children) | . | - |
70 | 70 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (Jesus' entry into Jerusalem) | . | - |
71 |
All Glory, Laud, and Honor |
Melchior Teschner |
Matthew 21:9; Mark 11:9-10; Luke 19:37-39; John 12:13 |
72 |
God Speaks To Us |
Warren |
John 14 |
73 | 73 Were You There | . | - |
74 | 74 In Joseph's Lovely Garden | . | - |
75 |
Rejoice, The Lord Is King |
John Darwall |
1 Cor 15:54-55; Philippians 4:4; Hebrews 1:3, 12:28; Rev 1:18 |
76 | 76 We've a Story to Tell to the Nations | . | - |
77 | 77 God, Who Made the Earth | . | - |
78 | 78 In Christ There Is No East or West | . | - |
79 | 79 Lord, I Want to Be a Christian | . | - |
80 |
A Song In The Night |
Mark Graham |
Psalm 42:6-8; Isaiah 30:29; 40:2,9; 1 Cor 15:58; 2 Thess 1:11 |
83 | 82-3 In that Day (Hawaiian Melody) | . | - |
84 |
The Church's One Foundation |
Samuel S. Wesley |
1 Cor 3:11; Eph 4:5, 5:25-27; Titus 2:13-14; Rev 6:9-10, 19:6-7 |
85 | 85 Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers | . | - |
86 |
There Is Joy In My Heart |
Mark Graham |
Isaiah 9 |
87 | 87 Golden Breaks the Dawn (Chinese melody) Psalm 19 | . | - |
88 |
All Hail the Power |
Oliver Holden |
Isaiah 28:5; Acts 4:12; Phillippians 2:9-11; Jude 1:25; Rev 5:8-13 |
89 | 89 Come, Lord, and Tarry Not | . | - |
90 | 90 From the Highest Heaven (Peruvian melody) Rev 19, Zech 14 | . | - |
91 |
God Is Calling Children |
Mark Graham |
Deut 6:7; Mal 2:15; Acts 2:39; Romans 12:2; 2 Tim 2:2 |
92 |
When Christ Shall Come |
Mark Graham |
Revelation 19-22 |
93 |
The New Jerusalem |
Mark Graham |
Revelation 21-22 |
94 | 94-5 Now Let Us Go (about preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Londonderry Air) | . | - |
96 |
God Will See Us Through |
Mark Graham |
Jer 30:7-11; Matt 6:25-33; 24:12-13; 1 Cor 15:52; 16:13; Rev 6:12-13 |