Psalm 44 (The Light of Your Face)
by Shane Heilman

O God, we’ve heard with our ears
Our fathers have told us what You did in their days
In the days of old
You with Your own hand drove out the nations
And planted our fathers there
You afflicted the nations, but You made Your people glad and free
Their sword did not win the land
Nor was it their arm that delivered them
But it was Your hand
And Your arm
The light of Your face
For You delighted in them
Your hand
And Your arm
The light of Your face
It’s all because of Your right hand
Because of Your right hand
O God, You are my King
Command victory for Jacob
Through Your name we tread down our foes
I don’t trust in my bow, my sword can’t save me
But it’s You who saves us from our enemies
You have put them to shame who hate us
In God we boast all day long
And we will give thanks to Your name forevermore
Because of Your hand
And Your arm
The light of Your face
For You delight in us
Your hand
And Your arm
The light of Your face
It’s all because of Your right hand
Because of Your right hand
But now You have rejected and disgraced us
You have not gone out with our armies
You have made us flee before the enemy
Now our adversaries have plundered us
You’ve given us up like sheep for slaughter
You have scattered us among the nations
You have sold Your people for a trifle
You didn’t even make a profit from their sale
We are mocked by our neighbors
We are the ridicule of all around
You have made us a joke to our enemies
We’re just a laughingstock
All day long my disgrace is before me
My face is covered in shame
At the sound of the taunter and revilers
At the sight of the enemy bent on revenge
All of this has come upon us
Even though we have not forgotten You
We have not dealt falsely with Your covenant
Our heart has not turned back, nor have our steps veered off
Yet You’ve broken us in the place of jackals
You have covered us with the shadow death
If we had forgotten the name of our God
Or lifted up our hands to a foreign idol
Wouldn’t God have discovered it
For He knows the secrets of the heart
Yet for Your sake we’re killed all day long
We’ve been regarded as sheep for slaughter
Why are you asleep, O LORD?
Do not reject us forever
Why do You hide Your face
And forget our affliction and oppression
Our soul is sinking into the dust
Our bodies cling to the ground
Rise up and be our help
Redeem us for the sake of Your unfailing love